
To be considered for the institute, a student must meet all of the requirements in Part A and at least one of the criteria in Part B.

Part A
  • Show an interest in writing or visual storytelling, as evidenced by class participation, clips, or extracurricular involvement.
  • Exhibit good behavior and good school citizenship, as determined by teacher recommendation.
  • Be able to participate in and contribute to cooperative learning, college-readiness and academic enrichment activities.
  • Be able to help establish and maintain a safe camp environment.
  • Complete the institute application and obtain parent/guardian permission to participate.
Part B
  • Have a linguistic or cultural background different from those that predominate in Oregon’s secondary school system.
  • Be from a low-income household (as determined by student’s eligibility for free or reduced-price meals).
  • Be from a household with an educational attainment level of a high school diploma or less.
  • Have a documented disability or was eligible for special education services sometime during K-12.
  • Attend a high school without a newspaper or journalism program.